
Content Repurposing for Financial Advisors

Internet marketing has become a pillar in marketing and taken on a life of its own with various techniques and strategies. Great content is the lifeblood of every successful internet marketing campaign from social media to professional blogs.

As financial advisors you understand what a good investment can do for you and how to maximize your investments. You should look at creating content for your audience as an investment into your customers and your business. With all the time, money, and research that you have invested to generate great content you might have forgotten to maximize the return on that investment.

You can always publish your content on partner blogs or post as a guest author as a way to make your content work harder for you but you may be overlooking some easy ways you can re-purpose and re-tool those awesome blogs or whitepapers you’ve already created!

Written Tools

  • White Papers: Take an inventory of what blogs have been popular, or what comments or discussions have been getting traction and parlay those successes into a whitepaper that can be used in other areas of your online marketing campaign.
  • Blog Post: Do you have an e-book, white paper or presentation that’s popular? Think about turning chapters of your e-book into the topic for a blog or series. Write a blog to generate interest for that great white paper you just finished. You can reform almost any sort of data or content you have created or collected into a great blog, since most blogs are approximately 500 words they are a great way to casually divulge information and create interest.
  • E-book: Content in your books or e-books can be fitted for white papers or blogs so can a great blog topic or series be the basis for a great e-book. Granted with this method there is usually some further content creation that is needed.

Graphical Tools

  • Charts: By taking information discussed in blogs or data gathered by research and providing simple or even complex charts helps engage your audience visually without it being a presentation. This is also a great way to graphically tell a story that might be harder to illustrate through its written counterparts.
  • Infographics: Infographics are great tools when posting data on social media platforms. Like charts, infographics visually depict data gathered from research. Unlike charts (which are included in infographics) infographic utilize a storytelling process and illustrate a variety of data to support conclusions.

Video Tools

  • Youtube: Just as most content can be adapted to a blog, blogs can be geared up as a short YouTube video or presentation. Turning a blog or a white paper into a video presentation or overview is a great way to provide further depth of a subject or engage your audience visually.
  • Webinar: These are great ways to engage your audience and utilize content or research you have gathered into an educational setting. A blog series turned into short webinar topics are a great way to start, once you gain familiarity with what works and what doesn’t you can delve into more specific research you have, books you have written, white papers that have traction etc.

Audio Tools

  • Itunes: Convert some of your presentations into mp3’s or audio tracks that be listened to on itunes or on your webpage. Audio tips are also a great way to increase the lifespan of shorter content sources like blogs by taking small pieces of information from that and creating short daily or weekly audio content.
  • Audio-Books: This may seem obvious with most books also being provided on CD these days but most professionals who take the time to create great e-books fail to utilize the potential of gearing that e-book toward the auditory learners and turning the e-book to an audio-book.

When working on re-purposing content you should always consider the goals that you wish to achieve with the content and the audience you are trying to reach. Different members of your audience may respond better to different mediums of delivery. No matter how you deliver your content always remember to make it easy to find and understand leaving your audience with a way to act on what they have learned or share your content. By repurposing your content in any of these ways you can greatly increase the lifespan of your content and maximize the return your investment.