
3 Reasons Why a Financial Blog Will Help Your Business

Bloggers have been getting a bad wrap for years.  The term blog began with the connotation of being frivolous, rantish, or just plain gossipy.  Despite the humble beginnings, blogs have become one of the most common resources for Internet research.  Powerful blogs have become books, newspaper columns, personal libraries for readers, and even movies and TV Shows.  Want more proof the power of blogs?  Hubspot found that.

  • Companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than those that do not.
  • Businesses that blog at least 20 times per month generate 5X more traffic and 4X more leads than those that only blog a few times per month.
  • About 46% of daily Internet users read more than one blog every day.

A recent study by the Spectrum Group found that nearly one-third of investors with a net worth of $5 million or more say they either read or would read blogs published by trusted financial advisors.  If that isn’t enough to get your full attention, let’s look at some of the benefits that indicate blog writing is just a logical choice for financial advisors:

Your Blog Will Distinguish You From The Competition
Let’s face it; consumers are doing online research to make an informed decision on just about anything, including financial advice.  Many financial websites are nothing more than boring templates that seem to provide little information other than advertising.  A blog allows you to actually speak to your prospects and current clients.  A blog with relevant and continual fresh content not only builds trust and credibility, but also it allows you to be just a little different by doing some important things your competition may not be doing.
Your Blog Will Increase Your SEO
A good financial blog could actually serve as the heart of your website.  By publishing content to your blog on a consistent basis, you can greatly improve your search rankings on the subject of financial planning.  Anytime you add text-rich pages to your website, you’re giving Google more content to index. More content means your website will show up for more searches. As the number of blog viewers increase, so does the possibility of having more visitors to your website and hopefully more phone calls.  Want your site to show up in specific searches, use the topics and tag feature of your blog to select specific terms that potential clients would be searching for.  ”401(k) rollover” anyone?  Or how about “Wealth Transfer Investing”?  Wouldn’t you like those people finding you?
Your Blog Can Be A Source Of Referral
Most people make buying or investment decisions based on trust.  Consumers are tired of advertising and want to conduct business with companies who are totally honest and transparent about the products or services being offered.  As more and more consumers understand that you are providing valuable information in your blog, they will have no problem sharing that information.

Major corporations are very active in business blogging.  Why?  Because they all understand how important a blog can be in not only promoting a brand, but more importantly, it is one of the best ways to establish credibility in the minds of consumers.  Whether you are a seasoned financial advisor or just starting out, a well designed blog will expand your reach and help build a community of loyal clients.

Effective blog writing has the capability of shaping the business and marketing worlds of financial advisors into something completely different and exciting.